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⚡ Get Started - Pulse

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⚡ Get Started - Pulse

The Pulse assesses your reps down to their most robust competency and identified weaknesses. Completed in 7-minutes, the Pulse establishes a competency baseline and helps you identify the perfect development opportunities for your 1-to-1s.

To start a Pulse:

  1. Meet with our Customer Success Lead to review the Pulse and what it offers.
  2. Fill in a team sheet with reps' emails and roles.
  3. Pulse activation links are sent out on the approved set dates.
  4. Receive insights and personalised Pulse digest emails within weeks.

Open questions?

Feel free to share any doubts, questions or feedback directly with our customer success team. We’re here to help ❤️

Contact us
Jan, Sam, Cosi & Laura
Our Customer Success super heroes