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⚡ Get Started - Setting up accounts

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⚡ Get Started - Setting up accounts

Accounts will be created after speaking to our Customer Success Lead. Here, you can fill out a team sheet on who will be using Uhubs. Our team will create accounts for them and a welcome email to be sent on a set date.

There are several methods on how to set up new accounts.

  1. Signing up on our site
  2. Managers inviting other users within their dashboards
  3. Sending a list across the Uhubs team with the emails and names of the reps
Invitation link is located on Manager's dashboard on the left tab underneath 'Billing'

Open questions?

Feel free to share any doubts, questions or feedback directly with our customer success team. We’re here to help ❤️

Contact us
Jan, Sam, Cosi & Laura
Our Customer Success super heroes