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🏆 Quizzes - Managers

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🏆 Quizzes - Managers

How to create and manage your quizzes

As reps are met with tons of content and information to digest, they may find it hard to soak everything in. In the world of sales, techniques and methods that may have worked previously may not work now. That is why Uhubs has built a Quiz function within the development tool. Here you are able to test your reps’ knowledge through text-based, multiple-choice and video related questions. This ensures constant knowledge retention.

Now, with being able to create tasks, you can link quizzes within your buckets.

In this article you will learn:

  1. How to create quizzes
  2. How to manage quizzes
  3. Adding quizzes to buckets
  4. How to find quiz responses made by reps
  5. Previewing quizzes from a rep’s perspective

How to create quizzes

You can create quizzes within the ‘Quizzes’ tab located on top of the development tool - next to ‘Team Progress’. To create your first quiz, simply head to the tab and click on the ‘+Create Quiz’ button. Doing so will create a blank state for a quiz and simply click on the block to edit. Just like editing a bucket, you can edit the title and description.

Click on the ‘+Add Question’  to add questions to your quiz. In the question editor, you can edit the title, a description of what the quiz entails and what type you want your quiz to be. We have three types you can use to create questions.

  1. Written question - Here reps are prompted a text box to add their answers
  2. Video question - Reps can insert a loom or vidyard link in the text box
  3. Multiple-choice question - Create several options reps can click

Choose what type you want your question to be by clicking on the dropdown menu

How to manage quizzes

Choosing what quiz you want to edit

After creating multiple quizzes, simply click on the ‘Quiz Title’ dropdown to select quizzes you have created. This allows seamless editing from one quiz to another and simply edit on the go.

Quiz features

The editor is filled with actions that makes your editing easier. The editor allows you to delete or duplicate questions. Click on the icons on the bottom right of any question and select what action you want to perform, be it duplicate - which creates another copy of your question or delete - which deletes the question. Note that the delete action cannot be undone.

Quiz page

The quiz page will show all your quizzes. Each quiz will show how many questions there are and how many responses that quiz has.

Adding quizzes to your buckets

When completing your quizzes, you can then link any quiz to any bucket you see fit. Head back to the bucket editor where you are able to add a quiz as well as add a task in a bucket. When clicking on ‘+Add Quiz’ you are given options on what quiz you want to add. Alternatively, if you haven’t created a quiz, a button will be present to create a quiz.

Editing quizzes in your bucket

Once you’ve inputted a quiz in the bucket, you are then able to move the quiz where you see fit or remove it entirely. Click on the menu on the top right of the quiz block to see what actions you can perform. You can:

  1. Move it up
  2. Move it down
  3. Remove from bucket
  4. Delete

Clicking on delete will delete that quiz not just from the bucket but also on your list of quizzes. Only do so when you are certain you want to entirely delete that quiz as this action cannot be undone.

How to find quiz responses made by reps

After a rep has completed a quiz, you can find the responses by heading over to the ‘Quizzes’ tab and clicking on the quiz. Next to the ‘Edit’ there is the ‘Responses’. Here you can check which of your reps have completed a quiz and when they submitted it.

Previewing quizzes from a rep’s perspective

Just as you can preview a rep’s dashboard to see how the onboarding flow looks, you can also click on the bucket which has the quiz. This allows you to see how the quizzes will look like when a rep opens it.

Open questions?

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